Forklift Training Simulator

China Light and Power

Mirum | Hong Kong |   2019-10-30
Keywords: VR | Innovation | Mobile App | vr | strategy | innovation | vr-ar-iot
words | minutes read

Having the initial training sessions inside VR means that the operators can make dangerous mistakes and get that essential feedback on how not to do it again

We were contacted by the training department inside CLP with a unique proposition. They had heard about virtual reality training but had no idea on how to visualize or structure a valuable training program that could be beneficial to the students that they train.

At Mirum this kind of problem statement is what we always look for in our clients, we embrace unknown challenges as they give us the freedom and flexibility to get to the core of a client’s business. Then working from the ground up identify problem areas that we can tackle to ensure that the finished product far exceeds our client’s expectations.

We worked with the CLP team to identify the current limitations and issues they had with traditional training, retention rates, learning problems and overall training time and crafted a solution that could improve and reduce all of the current issues with traditional training.

We have known for a long time that Virtual Reality will be key to the future of learning through immersive training that can re-create scenarios that are: difficult, impossible, expensive and dangerous to re-create. We wanted to bring this understanding to the next level by applying Virtual Reality to the forklift training program that CLP runs.

As an industry machine used to transport large quantities of good rapidly, the control system for a forklift is complex, and we needed to re-create the control mechanism to match the real thing. We bought and built with Arduino modules custom fitted controls that match, then we hooked these controlled up to unity.

Whilst VR is the best way to get immersed in the training experience, VR is not for everyone. Some people experience serious motion sickness or are unable to wear contact lenses leading to people being unable to see the application properly. For this we developed a way for users to still get the same high level of training and feedback without the need of VR. We installed a monitor in-front and behind the user.

The best feature of the application that has given the trainers the most value is the connected training application. This tablet application allowed the trainer to randomize the training scenario before a user began as well as provide real-time feedback on the mistakes that the system recorded.

One of the advantages of a using an application for electronic learning is that it creates a standardized learning experience. This experience isn’t dependent on the teachers frame of mind, time of day or memory to ensure that all learning points are met to the highest standards. For CLP this means that the training experience is the same for every single student, this increase retention and teaching effectiveness rates for the course.

Having the initial training sessions inside VR means that the operators can make dangerous mistakes and get that essential feedback on how not to do it again, in addition the scenario reset time is under 10 seconds. Operators can jump back in to a training scenario almost instantaneously so they get more valuable training time in before moving onto a real forklift.

When we spoke to CLP about the issues that they faced during the training they do. The number one item that was a limitation on how much training could be performed within the training period was the scenario setup. The scenarios setup took the most time to do, so when students made mistakes, they had to reset the environment for them to repeat the learning section.

Paul Wong Mirum Hong Kong

About the author

Paul Wong

Paul has 15 years’ experience in interactive and emerging technology. With his strong sense on technology driven solutions, he uses innovative and emerging technology as the catalyst to achieve core business goals. He has worked on projects from clients including HSBC, HKIA, HKJC, DLHK, CLP, VTC, Swire, The Peninsula Hotels and many more.

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