Holo Lens Retail Experience


Mirum | Hong Kong |   2018-07-01
Keywords: Innovation | Marketing Campaign | Strategic Project | vr | iot | platform
words | minutes read

This allows users to fully customize their own special football shirt with color, numbers, names etc. from their favorite football teams

When Microsoft released the Holo Lens AR (Augmented Reality) device, we at Mirum knew that we wanted to be one of the first to create the next generation in AR solutions. We looked at the future of commerce solutions in the retail world by creating a concept for a sports clothing store.

We started with looking at the user experience of shopping and how important storytelling is a part of that process. As we were focusing on sports, we decided to narrow the solution down to football apparel and use the history of football as the main story.

As users travel around the experience area their field of view activates the AR content, the centrepiece of this is a football pitch that highlights the development of football and technology over time. The satellite points around this are focused on the individual clothing items and the history development of those items, with advances in materials and design.

The experience is designed as a walkthrough so the users have a fixed start and end, this is so they can be guided on a journey through football to help sell the story of football and ultimately help conversion rates on the current clothing range that is being promoted.

The final content piece of this experience is shirt customization. This allows users to fully customize their own special football shirt with colour, numbers, names etc. from their favorite football teams. The idea here is that for commerce industries where customization is part of the experience, AR can bring a way of enriching those user experiences for the products those companies are selling.

The Hong Kong Airport authority invited us to showcase our concept at an exhibition that focused on showcasing the future of retail. We were honoured to take this opportunity to display our concept and had great success in inspiring attendees with the potential or Augments Reality solutions and the potential of future commerce solutions

Paul Wong Mirum Hong Kong

About the author

Paul Wong

Paul has 15 years’ experience in interactive and emerging technology. With his strong sense on technology driven solutions, he uses innovative and emerging technology as the catalyst to achieve core business goals. He has worked on projects from clients including HSBC, HKIA, HKJC, DLHK, CLP, VTC, Swire, The Peninsula Hotels and many more.

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