Cigna: Customers-First Creative & UX Design


Mirum | Hong Kong |   2018-02-02
Keywords: Web Application | Marketing Campaign | Interactive Project | financial | strategy | mobile | web
words | minutes read

UX design is user friendly with low dropout rate, Mirum conduct a series of user interviews and usability testing workshops to obtain and analyze the feedback from the end users.

The Ask

Driven by its commitment to health, wellness, and peace of mind, Cigna Hong Kong is a subsidiary of Cigna Corporation – a leading health service provider with more than 160 million customer relationships worldwide that offers a full suite of insurance solutions for different life stages and journeys.

Although it contained important product and plan information, Cigna Hong Kong’s corporate website in 2019 was running on an outdated e-Purchasing flow model that resulted in poor user experiences and performance. As the Hong Kong government was set on launching a Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (VHIS) that year, it needed to add a VHIS product page and revamp an e-Purchasing funnel on the website for enhanced navigation and enquiry rates.

The Idea

Cigna’s current and potential customers were placed at the forefront of our design approach and user experience (UX) planning process. To improve the functionality of its website and decrease its dropout rate as a whole, we set out to get to know its customers by conducting a series of comprehensive user interviews and usability testing workshops to obtain and analyse all the feedback.

Based on the results gathered, we built a digital experience that comprised all the best practices in creative and UX design. The new e-Purchasing funnel is set to be the foundation for other Cigna Hong Kong product pages in the future.

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