CENTERSTAGE Digital Experience

Hong Kong Trade Development Council

Mirum | Hong Kong |   6-9 September 2023
Keywords: campaign | interactive | innovation | mobile | web
words | minutes read

Explore the boundless potential of digital fashion; unleash creativity and imagination by the power of AI technology

The Ask

CENTERSTAGE is a fashion event hosted by HKTDC that aims to support Asian fashion designers and brands. This year, they are seeking an interactive solution to educate the industry about Digital Fashion. The event focuses on the theme of "Radiant Wellness" and includes the Hong Kong Young Designers' Contest (YDC). The client wants a creative campaign to inspire young people to think outside the box and find inspiration in their surroundings, conveying the message that everything can be a source of creativity.

The Idea

Continuing our role as the creative and digital partner of HKTDC this year, we have introduced two cutting-edge experiences for the Digital Fashion Experience Zone and YDC.

In the Digital Fashion Experience Zone, visitors can engage in virtual try-ons through our interactive solution. Using animated virtual modelscurated by our Creative Team, we showcase the latest fashion trends. Visitors actively participate in the virtual fashion show by selecting outfits and poses, resulting in a truly unique and immersive experience.

To celebrate art, creativity, and imagination, we leverage AI technology to generate images based on art-related keywords. These keywords span a wide range of artistic aspects, from concrete to abstract. Visitors can select inspiring words as prompts, which then form their personalized "Inspiration Cube". These distinctive cubes can be uploaded to the YDC digital wall, shared on social media, and used to connect with like-minded individuals.

Featured Collections

Estee Lauder: Exploring Modern Beauty

CLP: Powering the Future with VR

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